self check造句10

投稿:霓裳晚歌 优质问答领域创作者 发布时间:2023-07-06 22:05:27
self check造句10

以下是几个使用"self check"造句的例子:

The system performs a self-check after being powered on.

Please perform a self-check to ensure that your answer is correct.

The software allows users to perform a self-check to identify any missing dependencies.

The airport has installed self-check machines that allow passengers to check in their own luggage.

The patient was asked to perform a self-check for any changes in their physical condition.

The company has introduced a new policy requiring employees to perform a daily self-check of their work schedule.

The patient was advised to perform a self-check for any signs of infection after the surgery.

The hotel has installed a new system that allows guests to perform a self-check-in and -out using their smartphones.

The teacher assigned the students to perform a self-check of their previous assignments for any errors or omissions.

The company provides its employees with regular training to help them perform a self-check of their work processes and identify any areas for improvement.

self check造句10


The main function of the system include self check;



ABS; ECU; self check function; principle; monitoring function;



Analysts can self check the techniques, methods and dada by the analysis verification system.



The survey questions used in Self Check can narrow discussion to just those areas needing attention.

Self Check中使用的调查问题可以将讨论缩小到需要注意的那些区域。


Using the Self Check while remembering the pitfalls has worked well for our teams.

在记得缺陷的同时使用Self Check已经对我们的团队有效。


To illustrate Self Check in action, we've provided data for two teams working on different agile projects within IBM.

要说明Self Check的效果,我们提供了IBM中两个致力于不同的敏捷项目的团队的数据。


Avoiding the temptation to make the Self Check overly easy reinforces team ownership of the data and process.

避免让Self Check过分简单可以增强团队的数据和过程的所有权。


Open team discussion of how to avoid misusing metrics has been part of our success with the Self Check.

对于如何避免量度的滥用的开放的团队讨论已经成为我们使用Self Check取得成功的一部分。


This is one of the advantages of ongoing use of Self Check: it allows you to track your own journey.

使用Self Check的一个优点是:它允许您跟踪您自己的过程。


Self Check provides some rigor in terms of producing an assessment, but the approach resembles a retrospective.

在生成评估方面,Self Check提供了一些严格标准,但方法类似追溯。