Liu Tao has a pencil box,对刘涛提问

投稿:鸢语 优质问答领域创作者 发布时间:2023-09-20 11:19:22
Liu Tao has a pencil box,对刘涛提问

Are you liu tao?是英文,意思是你是刘涛吗?这是一个问句,要根据问的对象给出不同的回答。

1.如果你是刘涛本人,你可以回答:yes.或者。 Yes, I am. Liu tao.


2.如果你不是刘涛本人,对方只是问你一句,想要你给出一个答案,你可以回答: No.或者: No, I not liu tao.

Liu Tao has a pencil box,对刘涛提问


1. 直接问询:Liu Tao, do you really have a pencil box?

2. 间接询问:Hey Liu Tao, I heard someone say that you have a pencil box. Is it true?

3. 情境式提问:Hey Liu Tao, if you were to use a pencil to draw the most beautiful scenery you've ever seen, where would it be and how would you use your pencil box to complete your drawing?

4. 趣味性提问:Hey Liu Tao, assuming that you only have the things in your pencil box to survive on a deserted island, what would you do and why?
