b. Jessie Co has a 31 July 20X3 year end. On 31 July 20X3 issues 7% redeemable preference repayable in ten years time.What is the effect of this on the return on capital employed (ROCE) and gearing ratio (debt/capital employed) for year ended 31 July 20X3? redeemable pref。
10a. OBLIGATIONS UNDER FINANCE LEASE/HIRE PURCHASE 第10条第1项:财务租赁或租购项下之债务 Payment Interest Principal Payment Interest 支付利息(主要的支付利息额)Principal Repayable within 1 year 一年内,主要应付款 Repayable after 1 year but within 5 years 一年后至五年内。
会计列示的数字,都要用千分号分割,便于读取,主要根据英语的读 则制定千分号 比如,1,000 英文念 one thousand;20,000 英文念 twenty thousands;也就是一个“,”号的数字,就用thousand,当有二个“,”号的数字,一般就用百万的单位million,因此,英文中 usd';000。
应付(未付)票据:bill payable( B/P); note payable应偿债务: debt repayable应缴股本:payable shares短期借款 Short-term borrowing预收账款 Deposit received代销商品款 Proxy sale goods revenue应付工资 Accrued wages应付福利费 Accrued welfari 应付股利 Dividends payable应交税金 Tax payable应交增值税 value adde。
其他应交款 other payable to government 其他应付款 Other payables 预计负债 Accured Liability 应付债券 bonds payble 专项应付款 Special Payable 特准储备基金 special reserve fund *少数股东权益 minority interests 国有法人资本 State-owned legal person';s capital 集体法人资本 Collect。
资产负债表期初数 initial amount/value on the balance sheet (但一般都是说";期初数";或者";年初数";的,单单一个";初数";很少见)企业会计准则解释第1号 Explanation No.1 of Enterprise Accounting Standards 计字 Zheng Jian Kuai Ji Zi(斜体。
中华人民 税收征管法、 会计行政 :企业财务会计报告条例、中华人民 企业所得税暂行条例、中华人民 现金管理暂行条例、总会计师条例会计规章:会计从业资格管理办法、会计档案管理办法、支付结算办法、中华人民 税收征收管理法实施细则 会计规范文件:会计基础工作规范有规律的。
会计行政 记住三个:《总会计师条例》、《企业财务会计报告条例》、《企业会计准则——基本准则》统一的会计制度包括会计规章和会计规范性文件:会计规章记住三个“办法”:《财政部门实施会计监督办法》、《会计从业资格管理办法》、《代理记账管理办法》会计规范性文件:其他课本上出现的 都是 。
会计行政 有《总会计师条例》《企业财务会计报告条例》。《总会计师条例》主要规定了总会计师的职责、权限、任免、奖惩等。《企业财务会计报告条例》会计行政 规定了企业财务会计报告的构成、编制和对外提供的要求、法律责任等。
因此,英文中 usd';000,就是告诉大家金额单位是千美元,这样标记的金额好念,也比较简略,类似 的万元为单位。
两道高阶财务会计的题~~~各位大侠帮帮忙~~~50分送上~~~线上等~~~ (1)会计分录: ①借:银行存款---美元(¥500 000*24 ) 3 620 000 贷:实收资本 3 620 000 ②借:在建工程 2 892 000 贷:应付账款---美元(¥400 000*23) 2 892 000 ③借:应收账款---美元(¥200 000*22) 1 44..
应缴关税:150000*8*5%=58500 滞纳金 :58500*15%*5=4375 增值税 :150000*8+应缴关税(58500)*17% =208845 滞纳金 :208845*15%*...(竭力为您解,希望给予【好评】。
The size of the universe Since the constant expansion of the universe, illustrated by the size of the universe. However, the existing scope of the universe known to man about 150 light-years。
to time. B does not attend such meetings. Instead, he forwards related E-mails to A and asks A to take part on his behalf. Such meetings are held basically once every other month, with a total of four or five times per year.(用A代表“人名1”。
there are large-scale shopping streets and various kinds of advanced commercial and service mechani s, people can not only enjoy their good life here but also has plenty job opportunities. However, there is also lots of stress while living in a big city。
1。In compliance with the request in your letter dated October 24, we are sending you the required proforma invoice in triplicate.与你在信中要求遵守10月24日,我们向您发送所需的形式发票一式三份。