
投稿:醉闻晚风 优质问答领域创作者 发布时间:2023-07-06 22:27:02

1. Profitability: Interest is the additional amount of money charged by the lender on the borrowed amount, which is the primary source of their profit. The interest rates are determined by various factors like demand and supply, inflation, government policies, etc.

2. Time Value of Money: Interest is based on the principle of time value of money. This means that the value of money today is more than its future value because of the earning potential of money over a period.

3. Risk Factor: Interest rates vary based on the level of risk involved in lending money. Higher the risk, the higher the interest rate charged by the lender.

4. Financial Planning: The concept of interest plays a crucial role in financial planning, especially for savers. It allows them to earn additional income on their savings in the form of interest.

5. Economic Indicator: Interest rates are often used as an economic indicator to measure the growth and stability of an economy. Central banks use interest rates as a tool to control inflation, stimulate economic growth, and regulate the flow of money.


interest具有以下五个特点:1. 具有时间性。
2. 具有资金性。
3. 具有等比例性。
4. 具有等间隔性。
5. 具有复利性。


interest的用法具体如下:   1.interest作及物动词。 ①interest sb.意为“使某人感兴趣,引起某人注意”。如: Geography doesn't interest him. 地理引不起他的兴趣。 ②interest意为“使某人在……方面感兴趣”。如: He tried to interest me in buying the house. 他想说服我买这所房子。   2.interest作名词。 ①意为“兴趣”时,常作不可数名词。常见短语show/ have interest in(doing)sth.,意为“对……表现出/有兴趣”。如: She showed great interest in the meeting. 她对这次会议表现出极大的兴趣。 ②意为“业余爱好”或“感兴趣的事”时,常作可数名词。如: He has two great interests.One is sports and the other is music. 他有两大爱好:一个是体育,另一个是音乐。   3.interested是形容词,常用结构be interested in(doing)sth.意为“对(做)……感兴趣”,主语是人。如: John is interested in history.约翰喜欢历史。 He is interested in drawing pictures. 他对画画感兴趣。   4.interesting也是形容词,意为“令人感兴趣的”,既可以作表语,也可以作定语。如: The story is very interesting.这个故事很有趣。 This is an interesting movie.这是一部有趣的电影。