are you swimming怎么回答

投稿:总是以为忘了 优质问答领域创作者 发布时间:2023-07-06 20:21:58
are you swimming怎么回答

when you are in the water, answer ' yes', otherwise, answer 'no'. 如果你在水里面,就回答“是的”,要不然,就回答“不是”

are you swimming怎么回答

- Yes, I am swimming.(是的,我在游泳。)

- No, I am not swimming.(不,我没有在游泳。)

- I was swimming earlier, but I'm not now.(我之前在游泳,但现在不在了。)

- I'm planning to go swimming later.(我计划晚些时候去游泳。)

are you swimming怎么回答

yes I'm swimming now