
投稿:鹿萌萌 优质问答领域创作者 发布时间:2023-07-06 19:24:17


The last two chapters of Little Women are about the characters' futures.

Jo is married to Professor Bhaer, and they have a son named Joumary. She becomes a successful writer and is able to support her family financially. Meg is married to Mr. March, and they start a family of their own. Beth is engaged to John Brooke, and they live happily ever after. Amy becomes a famous actress and travels the world.

However, not all of the characters' dreams come true. Jo faces challenges with her writing career and struggles to balance her family life. Meg loses her husband in an accident, leaving her alone with their children. Beth falls ill and dies young, leaving John devastated. Amy faces criticism and setbacks in her acting career and begins to question whether she wants to continue pursuing it.

Despite the difficulties they face, the sisters remain close and supportive of each other throughout their lives. They learn important lessons about love, sacrifice, and the importance of family