always prepare for a rainy day造句

投稿:紫璇离梦 优质问答领域创作者 发布时间:2023-07-06 16:56:09
always prepare for a rainy day造句

1. As a diligent student, John always prepares for a rainy day by studying regularly and reviewing his notes frequently.

2. My grandmother taught me the value of saving money and always preparing for a rainy day, so I make sure to set money aside for unexpected expenses.

3. Despite the fact that the company was doing well, the CEO always reminded his employees to prepare for a rainy day and have a contingency plan for difficult times.

4. Karen always keeps a first-aid kit in her car, just in case of emergencies. She believes in always preparing for a rainy day.

5. Many farmers always prepare for a rainy day by diversifying their crops, so that if one crop fails, they still have income from the others.