
投稿:浅若清风 优质问答领域创作者 发布时间:2023-12-27 13:58:35


1. 问候:Hello! Hi! Good morning/afternoon/evening! How are you? What's your name?

2. 自我介绍:My name is ___. I am ___ years old. I am from ___.

3. 询问和回答年龄:How old are you? I am ___ years old.

4. 询问和回答国籍和所属地区:Where are you from? I am from ___.

5. 询问和回答日常活动:What do you do in the morning/afternoon/evening? I usually ___.

6. 询问和回答家庭成员:How many people are there in your family? There are ___ people in my family. Who is in your family? My family members are ___.

7. 询问和回答兴趣爱好:What do you like to do? I like to ___.

8. 询问和回答身体状况:How are you feeling? I am feeling ___.

9. 询问和回答喜好食物:What is your favorite food? My favorite food is ___.

10. 询问和回答学习情况:What subjects do you study? I study ___.
