
投稿:终相守 优质问答领域创作者 发布时间:2023-07-06 11:41:06


1. good(好的):better(更好的), best(最好的)

例句:My English is better than it was before.(我的英语比以前好了。)

2. bad(坏的):worse(更坏的), worst(最坏的)

例句:My grades were worse than expected.(我的成绩比预期更差。)

3. little(少的):less(更少的), least(最少的)

例句:I have less time to study now.(现在我有更少的时间学习。)

4. much(多的):more(更多的), most(最多的)

例句:I need more practice to improve my English.(我需要更多的练习来提高我的英语水平。)

5. many(多的):more(更多的), most(最多的)

例句:She has more friends than I do.(她比我有更多的朋友。)

6. little(小的):less(更小的), least(最小的)

例句:The youngest child is the least responsible in the family.(家里最小的孩子最不负责。)

7. much(大的):more(更大的), most(最大的)

例句:Mount Everest is the most famous mountain in the world.(珠穆朗玛峰是世界上最著名的山峰。)
