
投稿:凉人梦 优质问答领域创作者 发布时间:2023-11-19 19:02:17


描述身体的困难:身体酸痛,筋疲力尽(My body aches and I feel exhausted)。持续的运动让身体变得疲惫不堪(The continuous movement leaves my body weary)。扭曲的姿势让我感到不适和疼痛(The contorted postures make me feel uncomfortable and in pain)。

描述训练的艰苦:持续的训练需要极大的耐力和毅力(The continuous training requires great endurance and perseverance)。反复练习动作,不断纠正错误(Repeating the movements over and over, constantly correcting mistakes)。需要花费大量的时间和精力来掌握复杂的技巧(It takes a lot of time and effort to master the complex techniques)。

描述团队合作的困难:舞龙需要与其他队员密切合作,需要相互配合和默契(Dragon dancing requires close cooperation and coordination with other team members)。每个人都必须严格遵守节奏和动作,否则整个表演会受到影响(Everyone must strictly follow the rhythm and movements, otherwise the whole performance will be affected)。团队成员之间的沟通和协调是困难的,需要时间和努力来建立默契(Communication and coordination among team members can be challenging and require time and effort to establish harmony)。

描述外界环境的困难:在恶劣的天气条件下表演,如酷热、寒冷或下雨(Performing in harsh weather conditions, such as extreme heat, cold, or rain)。需要在狭小的空间中进行表演,如狭窄的街道或人群拥挤的场所(Performing in cramped spaces, such as narrow streets or crowded venues)。忍受观众的喧闹和干扰,保持专注和集中(Enduring the noise and distractions from the audience, while maintaining focus and concentration)。