
投稿:拥之则安 优质问答领域创作者 发布时间:2023-10-25 14:17:09

The Monkey and the Fishermen(猴子与渔民)。

Once upon a time, there lived a monkey in the woods. The monkey climbed up the tree and looked down at the river every day. One day, the monkey saw fishermen throw a net over the river. He was curious and wanted to know what they were doing.

The monkey decided to hide behind a rock and watch the fishermen. He saw them catch many fish in their net. The monkey was excited and decided to try to catch fish too.

The monkey found a long stick and a net, just like the fishermen. He climbed back up the tree and threw the net into the river. He waited for the fish to come, but nothing happened.

The monkey was disappointed, but he was not ready to give up. He thought for a while and realized that he needed to learn from the fishermen. He watched them carefully and saw how they moved the net to catch the fish.

The monkey tried again, and this time, he was more successful. He caught a few fish and was happy. He decided to share his catch with his friends in the forest.

The moral of the story is: Be curious, learn from others, and never give up.