用teach sb sth怎么造句

投稿:浅若清风 优质问答领域创作者 发布时间:2023-07-05 23:05:31
用teach sb sth怎么造句

您好,1. My father taught me how to ride a bike when I was five years old.

2. The teacher is trying to teach her students the importance of recycling.

3. Can you teach me how to play the piano?

4. My grandmother taught me how to make her famous apple pie.

5. He is trying to teach his dog to fetch a ball.

6. The coach is teaching the players new techniques to improve their game.

7. She is teaching her little brother how to tie his shoes.

8. The professor is teaching his students about the history of ancient civilizations.

9. The chef is teaching the cooking class how to make a traditional Italian dish.

10. The parent is teaching their child how to swim in the pool.

用teach sb sth怎么造句
