
投稿:一尘不染美少年 优质问答领域创作者 发布时间:2023-07-05 21:57:10

1. 过去时态2. 因为"justnow"是一个过去时态的词汇,表示刚刚发生的动作或状态。
3. 在英语中,过去时态用于描述已经发生的事情,过去时态的动词形式通常以-ed结尾或者是不规则动词的过去式形式。
例如,"I justnow finished my homework."(我刚刚完成了我的作业。


just now是一个副词,表示“刚才”、“一会儿之前”的意思。 它常与一般过去时连用,位于句首或句末。

1. Just now, I saw a beautiful sunset over the ocean.

2. He just now finished his homework and is ready for bed.

3. She just now told me that she's going to be late for our meeting.

4. We were just now discussing the new project at work when the phone rang.

5. Just now, I realized that I left my keys at home.