
投稿:笑看浮尘 优质问答领域创作者 发布时间:2023-10-04 17:34:03

1. My friend's name is Peter and he is ten years old.
2. He has brown hair and blue eyes.
3. Peter is very friendly and always willing to help others.
4. We love playing soccer together during our free time.
5. He is also very good at drawing and often shows me his artwork.
6. Peter and I enjoy going to the movies and watching cartoons.
7. We often share our snacks and toys with each other.
8. I am very lucky to have Peter as my friend.


1. 我的朋友是一个非常好的人。
2. 他总是乐于助人,经常帮助我解决问题。
3. 我们一起玩耍、学习,度过了很多快乐的时光。
4. 他对英语很擅长,经常帮助我提高我的英语水平。
5. 我们经常一起参加各种活动,比如运动、看电影等。
6. 他是一个非常有趣的人,总是能给我带来欢笑和快乐。
7. 我们之间建立了深厚的友谊,互相支持和鼓励。
8. 我很庆幸有他这样一个好朋友,我们会一直保持联系并共同成长。


英语作文《我的朋友》xx is my best friend. She is tall and thin. She has long and black hair. She likes sports very much. She is good at playing table tennis.She studies very hard. She does well in all the subjects.

She is helpful, and She always helps classmates do a lot of things. So all of us like her very much