
投稿:木棉花开 优质问答领域创作者 发布时间:2023-07-06 23:31:43

1. 仓鼠在英语文化中并不常见,因此相关的诗歌创作并不普遍。
2. 但是,随着宠物养殖文化的普及,越来越多的人开始关注仓鼠这个小动物,也有一些诗人以仓鼠为灵感创作了一些英语诗歌。
3. 由于仓鼠天性活泼,可爱,逗趣,其形象也常常被用来表达可爱,活泼的情感,因此仓鼠英语诗具有一定的欣赏价值。


  hamsters are popuiar pets.people like them because they are quiet and clean.i want to keep a hamster as my pet.as a student ,i don't have too much mkoney and i think a hamster is much cheaper than rabbits or cats,and it is easy to take care of.so i want to buy a hamester.but i think life with a hamster isn't always perfect,it may sleep all day,and sometimes nosiy at night,if that happens,my mother will be angry,so i am not sure if i keep a hamester