
投稿:宁若心安 优质问答领域创作者 发布时间:2023-07-06 23:24:06

Monika 是 visual novel 游戏《Doki Doki Literature Club!》中的一个角色,她的所有诗歌如下:

“Dear Sunshine”

The way you glow through my blinds in the morning,

It makes me feel like you missed me.

Kissing my forehead to help me out of bed.

Making me rub the sleepy from my eyes.

Are you asking me to come out and play?

Are you trusting me to wish away a rainy day?

I look above. The sky is blue.

It's a secret, but I trust you too.

If it wasn't for you, I could sleep forever.

But I'm not mad. I want breakfast.


I pop off my scalp like the lid of a cookie jar.

It's the secret place where I keep all my dreams.

Little balls of sunshine, all rubbing together like a bundle of kittens.

I reach inside with my thumb and forefinger and pluck one out.

It's warm and tingly.

But there's no time to waste! I put it in a bottle to keep it safe.

And I put the bottle on the shelf with all of the other bottles.

Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts in bottles,

all in a row.

My collection makes me lots of friends.

Each bottle a starlight to make amends.

Sometimes my friend feels a certain way.

Down comes a bottle to save the day.

Night after night, more dreams.

Friend after friend, more bottles.

Deeper and deeper my fingers go.

Like exploring a dark cave,

discovering the secrets hiding in the nooks and crannies.

Digging and digging, scraping and scraping.

I blow dust off my bottle caps.

It doesn't feel like time elapsed.

My empty shelf could use some more.

My friends look through my locked front door.

Finally, all done. I open up and in come my friends.

In they come, in such a hurry.

Do they want my bottles that much?

I frantically pull them from the shelf, one after the other.

Holding them out to each and every friend.

Each and every bottle.

But every time I let one go,

it shatters against the tile between my feet.

Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts in shards,

all over the floor.

They were supposed to be for my friends.

My friends who aren't smiling.

They're all shouting, pleading.


But all I hear is echo, echo, echo, echo, echo...

Inside my head.

“Save Me”

The colors, they won't stop.

Bright, beautiful colors.

Flashing, expanding, piercing...

Red, green, blue...

An endless cacophony of meaningless noise.

The noise, it won't stop.

Violent, grating waveforms.

Squeaking, screeching, piercing...

Sine, cosine, tangent...

Like playing a chalkboard on a turntable.

Like playing a vinyl on a pizza crust.

An endless poem of meaningless...

Load me.

“The Lady Who Knows Everything”

The lady who knows everything knows what I am thinking

Before I can speak, she responds in a hollow voice.

"I have found every answer, all of which amounts to nothing.

There is no meaning, there is no purpose.

And we seek only the impossible.

I am not your legend. Your legend does not exist."

And with a breath, she blows me back afloat

And I pick up a gust of wind and sail forward.

以上是 Monika 在游戏中创作的所有诗歌。


(1)约客 赵师秀 黄梅时节家家雨, 春草池塘处处蛙。 有约不来过夜半, 闲敲棋子落灯花。 (2)数日 数日秋风欺病夫,尽吹黄叶下庭芜。 林疏放得遥山出,又被云遮一片无。 (3)岩居僧 开扉在石层,尽日少人登。 一鸟过寒木,数花摇翠藤。 茗煎冰下水,香炷佛前灯。 吾亦逃名者,何因似此僧。 (4)庵西 数里庵西路,东风去更吹。 稻寒生叶细,松老作花迟。 小憩嫌无侣,曾游忆有诗。 新萤光尚小,未暗出空池。